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ATK for SuperCollider3 v.3.7.2 released
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ATK for SuperCollider3 v.3.7.2 release is now available for download. But you probably already know! As part of the sc3-plugins project, we had this new release 14 days ago. That’s why you already knew. Why’d we wait until now to speak up? A few things.

First off, the accompanying README now includes a List of Changes. We’d like to be much more official about keeping you up to date with what’s happening with the ATK. The updates to the README help us do that. Much easier than filtering through the Commits to sc3-plugins trying to spot ATK improvements.

Aside from some documentation updates related to the recent web hosting move, the addition of Ambisonic exchange encoding & decoding will be of interest. Particularly if you’re one of the VR crowd. First order exchange to & from these encodings is now supported:


As a result, you can now incorporate your ATK work with evolving VR standards. Google’s JumpVR Spatial Audio uses ACN-SN3D encoding, aka AmbiX. The ZoomH2n recorder also now supports ACN-SN3D via a firmware update. Cool.

As you’d expect, we also hope you take advantage of the ATK Kernels v.1.2.1 release. (Of course you’ve already read about it!) Among other things, you’ll get the measured binaural decoders (CIPIC & Listen) at 48000Hz. VR folks love that!

How to upgrade?

Follow the installation instructions for ATK for SuperCollider and install sc3-plugins Version 3.7.2.

And don’t forget about the new kernels.