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ATK for Reaper v.1.0.0 beta 11 is now available for download. This is a maintenance release fixing some issues in order to ensure compatibility with Reaper v. 6.38.

Here is the list of changes:

  • Pantophonic2D and Periphonic3D decoders now work with Reaper v.6.38 - #75
  • Fixed typo in PsychoShelf filter, but the filter remains unstable - #78
  • Speed of sound corrected from 333 to 343 m/s in Proximity and Near Field transforms - #76

Under the hood updates:

  • macOS installer disk image built using more recent version of create-dmg (1.0.9)
  • Updated atk-matrices to v. 1.0.0
  • Updated cookdsp library to v. 0.5 - #74

Thanks to Justin Frankel for notifying us that some tweeks were required in preparation for Reaper v.6.38.

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Out Now!!!

ATK Central is pleased to announce the long anticipated arrival of the v.5.0.2 release of the Ambisonic Toolkit for SuperCollider.

Some notable features of the this release include:

  • Integrated support for classic First Order Ambisonics (FOA) and modern Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA).
  • Implements the Near-Field Controlled, aka Near-Field Compensated, form of higher order Ambisonics (NFC-HOA).
  • Ambisonic order is merely limited by system speed, channel capacity and numerical precision rather than by design.
  • Control and synthesis of the Near-Field Effect (NFE) of finite distance sources in both FOA and HOA, including radial beamforming.
  • Soundfield feature sensing & analysis in instantaneous and time averaged forms.
  • Ambisonic coefficients and matrices are available for inspection and manipulation in the interperter.
  • Angular domain soundfield decomposition and recomposition.
  • Analysis of transformer and decoder matrices.

As always, A Very Big Thanks to the SuperCollider Development Team for all the dedication and hard work!

In particular, the inclusion of access to the Boost library as part of SuperCollider 3.10.0 has meant we’re able to make the underlying numerics of NFC-HOA available in sclang.

A Game Changer?


NFC-HOA Numerics

Given access to NFC-HOA numerics, ATK-SC3 is now a research grade library. For instance, the behind the scenes design tasks we do here at ATK Central in other scientific computing frameworks (we use SciPy), can now be done in sclang.


We’ve grouped these numerics, into several categories:


Ok, we see we’ve lost you here…. as a research grade library we’re now able to address tasks like:

  • Designing personal binaural decoders within sclang
  • Designing microphone correction filters within sclang
  • Upsampling & correcting FOA RIRs to HOA within sclang

So, yeah, we think this is way cool!

(Future releases will include tutorials on these topics.)

Soundfield decomposition and recomposition

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With v.5.0.2 the ATK for SuperCollider offers radial soundfield decomposition and recomposition for NFC-HOA. Know any other toolkit for artists offering this? (We don’t either.)

Here are some things we can do with this feature:

  • Specify the radius at which a DAFX operates
  • Synthesize a complex HOA soundfield from an FOA soundfield
  • Extract, process and re-inject sources found at a given radius

Combine all this with soundfield feature sensing & analysis, the fun never ends!

How to upgrade?

Follow the installation instructions for ATK for SuperCollider.

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Workshops for advanced users part 5: Ambisonics & the Ambisonic Toolkit, theory and artistic practice

Date: 1 - 5 October 2018

Location: Notam studios, Oslo, Norway

Five days of Ambisonics

At the invitation of Notam, Trond Lossius and Joseph Anderson (det er meg) will be leading five days of advanced exploration into the world of Ambisonics and the Ambisonic Toolkit. Day by day, we’ll review the following topic areas:

  1. Monday: Introduction
    • Soundfield kernel composition: an idiomatic musical composition strategy
    • Ambisonics Theory & Background
  2. Tuesday: Getting started
    • Heyser’s Analysis
    • Acquisition Techniques
  3. Wednesday: Imaging and Processing I
    • Single Beams & Nulls
  4. Thursday: Imaging and Processing II
    • Soundfield decomposition & re-composition
  5. Friday: In practice
    • Review: Soundfield kernel composition strategy
    • Soundfield decoding, ‘in practice’

Further details and information regarding registration can be found on the Notam workshop page.

Composing with Soundfields, ‘think Ambisonic’

Soundfield kernel composition: An idiomatic composition strategy addressing the holistic problem of creatively controlling a complete soundfield for aesthetic purposes.

Over the workshop we’ll explore these topics from the perspective of the soundfield-kernel paradigm. Spatial sound composition becomes of task of soundfield authoring and imaging, rather than one of ‘placing’ a sound in a sound-scene. Attendees will gain insights into soundfield construction, deconstruction and reconstruction, seeing (and hearing) how soundfields can be assembled and disassembled.

Richard Heyser’s soundfield analysis will be reviewed in the context of Ambisonics, offering deeper views into what makes up a soundfield. Imaging and processing will be examined in relation to the nearfield effect (NFE), allowing imaging ‘within’ the soundfield. And… combining analysis with imaging and processing will allow us to design parametric soundfield processing.

Now that’s spatial composition!

About Notam?

Notam is a center for the development and innovative use of technology in music and the arts. The center is a resource for anyone who works with technology as an artistic tool, and is focused on sharing of knowledge and expertise.

Notam is mainly operated with public funds, primarily through operating grants from Arts Council Norway. In addition, The Norwegian composer’s fund gives an annual organizational support.

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